Monday, May 30, 2011

The Greatness of being an Amateur

    As a young college student, I and fellow students have great opportunities that our elder intellects do not. We have the power of a fresh new look and the courage to explore in theories. I'm not going to say that the elders do not have great opportunities but I am going to emphasis the greatness of amateurs. We are the potential of knowledge.
    Though I'm untrained and have a vast amount of information that needs to be considered, I have the ability to slip my mind into any of the fundamental theories and access them from a fresh point of view. I can dare to stand in a position that others hesitate on. I am free to be wrong without the assumption of being right. As an amateur I am free!
    When an amateur makes a mistake its a learning experience, but when the experienced are wrong then its a career set back. When an amateur is correct then much pride and glory is given, but when the experienced is right it is expected. This is truly a time to cherish as it will perish with time.
    This is a unique experience that can truly set the fundamental blocks of something greater. I urge the teachers of amateurs to respect and acknowledge this once in a lifetime experience. Teachers need to nourish this in our students and dare them to stand out. Only then will we be able to see the hidden truths that this world has to offer. 

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Supporting the Military, Not War

    War has been around since man could form into groups and cross with other groups. It almost seems like it is never going to go away. Maybe it is never going to go away, I am not intending to make a case on that. What I am wanting to express is that War is not something to just so easily decide to do. For the time being I can still think of situations where I would pick up arms and fight, however I will not just jump to the conclusion.
   As for the purpose of having a military, I see many reasons. I see an organization that signs up to do what their country sees to be of importance. This could mean several things; reconstruction after natural or man-made disasters, securing any threats towards medical outbreaks, providing foreign countries aid if asked, etc. The men and woman who sign up to serve deserve the up most respect for whatever they are asked. Even if I disagree with what they are asked to do, like engaging in pointless wars, they still deserve my hats off respect at full attention.
    These men and woman knowingly sign up to a world of unknown situations. They can be legally killed by an opposing military by any means our enemies see fit. The world still holds times when a terrorizing group of individuals will attempt to take control of a city/state/and or country with means of violence. This leaves the citizens with nothing but fear, this is a time where I do see helping a region with means of war. However this is a very tricky situation, we can not take the people's identity from them. If a countries leader is ruthlessly using inhumane control tactics towards his/her people then I do feel it is necessary to contribute to the people but only in a way that the people maintain control over how this is done. Get them power and help as they see fit.
    The Iraq people will now always have to identify themselves with America in the background, this can lead to feeling incapable of managing themselves when the time comes. They can not hold that pride we do as Americans when we rose against the English. Now with us the French have a large part in our success against the British, yet the French helped while the American people called the shots of how this is to happen. Iraq did not have this, we controlled! Now weather or not this is going to be some permanent problem that will affect Iraq for now on, I don't know. However we as Americans should respect cultural identity.
     We jump to war like its a game, we toy with lives like its just better luck next time. We forget by the next decade what damage we have done to ourselves. We use the dead as an excuse to kill more, pretending like we dishonor them if we say war is bad. You can never take the honor away from a man who died doing what his/her country has said to do. This is admirable weather the war was just or not.
    We need to separate the human being from the act of war. We need to value life as if all was our own life. We need to understand that we are not the only country that has honor and pride for ones country. We need to realize that our foreign relationships will set the tone for our fellow citizens who work in foreign lands or vacation. We need to realize that the lives that honorable sign up to serve need to be considered when we jump to conclusions that deal with foreign policies.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Picky, Picky, Picky

   Now I have to admit that I sound like a redneck and my grammar often sucks. I'm a West Texan that moved to Indiana, what do you expect? I find a big difference in language 'errors', that a lot of my peers who hold intelligence as high up as I do, with a different spot light. Really just get your point across! Now I do know that maintaining a certain degree of proper grammar is a necessity if you wish to accomplish that goal. In the situations that make your point unclear then yes fix your grammar. However many so called intellects take this to a whole new level.
   I understand the differences with two, to, and too but really when someone starts to make some event over a misplaced too I wanna slap them for calling themselves an intellect. Its like intellects cannot make an error or that they cannot just realize that a typo has happened. I have heard people completely throw out something because of a wrongly placed too, at least if its coming from someone that is an amateur (and it is not their language teacher). Let one of their idols make the error and all of a sudden its just a typo. Now this is not to be mistaken that I do not respect or understand a comment to correct it.
   I am not a fan of George W. Bush but I got sick of hearing all the times a person used his mispronouncing of a word to be a reason to say he is wrong. People where capable of telling us what the word was that he mispronounced and yes George W. may want to learn this, so that is shows the people that he has experience with the issue. Honestly though we cannot waist our time being peoples auto correcter when other more important issues need to be discussed.
   Now what if I say; you wanna go do somethin! Now can you tell me what I am saying? If you can't should you reassess that you claim yourself an intellect? Intellects typically have a desire to get things right which is great and I support that in all ways, but great ideas come out of nowhere and ignoring something cause of a misspelling or the wrong 'too' is what I think retarded. Words are only what we make of them and I think that intellects forget this.
   If you want to be a writer then grammar is important for the most part and probably more so. There is a limit of just to damn picky. Don't discredit someones intelligence for having improper grammar or misplacing a word or two, discredit them for improper logic. Not everyone is a English, or whatever language you speak, expert. Be productive on your corrections when you find someone brilliant. Instead of just ridiculing, suggest and enlighten. Explain what a reader could perceive their statement as with this error. If it does not affect the meaning of the sentence or paragraph then really is that important to have it proper. 

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

A World of Many

    In this world we have many beliefs and traditions. Some wars have been started over this fact, so at first glance this seems like its something bad. But is it?? I mean really. Just because some groups of people think that this guy is the guy to listen to, while this group claims another guy; is that really a problem?? Now if you are saying yes, just follow me for a min and see where I'm going with this. I promise it won't hurt.
    Lets pretend for a min that this is not a problem! So what is? What is it that really makes people lash out in the most horrific act people can engage themselves in? Now if the problem was that it is merely culture and religious difference, wouldn't that mean if a Christian of any kind walked up to a Muslim of any kind and they would start fighting? Which is obviously not true. Would it 1 throw you off if I suggested that is a common idea or 2 that these people share is what is stirring up all the trouble? Really the people that get along with other cultural beliefs don't have an urge to kill one another and they acknowledge the differences they share. Self Righteousness and detailed literal translations is the real problem. The idea that only I can be right! Which sounds really funny when they are fighting over stories that sound very much like what you would see on a Disney movie!
    However acknowledging this brings up another issue with these self righteous people that honestly see the righteousness in ones beliefs. They feel that people who do not see that extremeness is pushing their beliefs to be something that you pull out when you feel like it and that its really not that important. They feel insulted to be told this! Now what! It is like you have to decide to let them lash out on the others or take the lashing yourself. Well Fuck that I don't want some tongue lashing that can very much turn into more.
    Tell you the truth I don't know if there is some proper way of handling this situation, what I do know is holding your own beliefs to be what everyone else should think then inflicting them causes nothing but destruction and that I personally do not want as my goal. Yeah sure I think I'm right! DUH they are MY BELIEFS of course I think they are right or I would think something else. But I see that in me so chances are the guy next to me thinks his ideas and beliefs are right or he would think something else.
    Here a little other factor you should be aware of. There are many factors, like billions upon billions. Now think about your little philosophy can you think of all them billions upon billions of factors with your little idea. Of course not we as humans probably don't even know all them factors we are still discovering them. We really shouldn't even come to a conclusion at least not a whole conclusion. We should at least acknowledge the margin of error and uncertainty principle.
    Does all this say that someone does not actually believe in their own beliefs, given whatever they are? I don't think so I think its practicing humbleness and gives truth a chance. We can now gather in masses with many perspectives that have different experiences to lay out. What each has learned and  to be able to look at all them from a stand back perspective. As for details on personal beliefs, Yay!!! you believe in them that is for you to believe. Only things that society should be concerned with is what directly affects society. If you believe God made Adam and Eve, Good for you! If you believe in evolution, Good for you! What has been accomplished, minus the fact that other scientist can discover newer things. That is for the people that believe in evolution to worry about. As for you Adam and Eve people continue on your not changing anyone's minds and you are not hurting anyone and if the non-believers burn in hell well I'm pretty sure they know about the story now its their choice not yours.
   Before I end this blog I do wanna comment on one more thing. I think that this difference is beautiful on a spiritual level. I think that God has done this on purpose so that we can get into our heads that this complex society of ours is more then just some specific belief we have. I think that with this truth of cultural and religious difference we will someday be forced to see that its about all of us, as people here on earth sharing the same resources and shitting the same way!